Learning to be tolerant and to cast away prejudices – more important than ever before
720 children from 22 countries are celebrating peace and understanding among nations at the largest peace sailing project at Marina Kaštela.
“Peace Fleet – Calm Sea” (“Flota mira – Mirno more”), the largest humanitarian sailing project for children, found itself on its great journey along the Croatian coast for the 24th time from September 15th to 22nd, 2018. Just like during the previous years, more than 100 boats sailed into the host’s harbour – Marina Kaštela, where they enjoyed a diverse program. Once again, the BavAdria boats participated in the event. The unique spirit of the Peace Fleet was especially visible as the children who live under difficult social circumstances and persons with psychological or physical disabilities had fun and danced together while learning an important life lesson: we can and we must live together in peace!
Unfortunately, the world politics is showing us that we cannot take peace for granted. The migrant movements, caused by various reasons, from the war conflicts in Syria to unfavourable economic and social conditions, are clear and warning signs. Aware of this, the “Peace Fleet – Calm Sea” project made it its mission to respect and promote the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that guarantee unwavering equality of dignity and rights of all people.
“Now, more than ever, peace, hospitality and sustainable solidarity of the civil society need a strong support on all levels.” – stated Dr. Michael Fuchs, an official of the “Calm Sea” organisation.
His colleague in the committee, Mr. Srđan Janjušić, believes that, above all, we must start working with the youngest – “It is the children who have encountered many social obstacles in their daily existence during their short lives who learn during the “Calm Sea” event that a peaceful coexistence is the basis for being joyful, having fun and gaining a positive experience.”
Following the tour of Marina Kaštela, Martina Klenner-Auvillain, the representative of the Delegation of the Republic of Austria in the Republic of Croatia, stated – “Although some may think that the contribution of the “Peace Fleet – Calm Sea” is small, I am certain that their contribution to peace, by setting a direct example for young people by showing how to cast away prejudices and be open to others and those who are different, is essential.”
All of this was a sufficient reason for the host of the Fleet during its two days on the shore, Captain Joško Berket, to host the Peace Fleet for the sixth time: – “We are approaching another year of “Calm Sea”. We are experiencing a positive nervousness and a great desire to provide the children with an unforgettable experience at Marina Kaštela. We are greeting the entire Calm Sea family with an open heart and we are proud to be the hosts. We are glad that this year we can offer the participants the new content at our marina: a 25 m indoor swimming pool and a sailing club with a large plateau. This public content is accessible to the people of the City of Kaštel throughout the entire year. We want to extend our welcome to everyone.”
Thanks to this project, 100 boats from the entire Europe with children and volunteers will be sailing along the Croatian shoreline between September 15th to 22nd. Various organisations that have been professionally looking after socially endangered children and children without parental care for many years are the guarantee that the values of the project will continue into the future.
You can follow the project directly on the following link: www.facebook.com/friedensflotte
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