BavAdria Cup 2005
From the 21st to the 23rd of October the traditional "BavAdria Cup" regatta will be held for the 4th time allready in the Bay of Kaštela.
From the 21st to the 23rd of October the traditional "BavAdria Cup" regatta will be held for the 4th time allready in the Bay of Kaštela.
It is an honour for us to be a sponsor of the organisation “Mirno More Friedensflotte”. The primary goals of “Mirno More Friedensflotte” are “to teach practicing tolerance” and “to get rid of prejudice”. That is the reason why this year there are two “Diabetes Crew” among the participants. Is important to make this illness less terrible for the patients and less strange and horrifying to others by showing all other participators that a person suffering from diabetes can also have a normal, productive and entertaining life. So it is a great pleasure for us that this year three kids from Croatia take part as participators sailing with “Diabetes Crew”.